Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

03 December 2004

Christmas Shopping

Sabbath was good last night. Aimee brought a teacher who had just started at her school, so thats one more Japanese person we know. Annie also came and she recruited me to help at a Christmas Party for six-year olds on Saturday. It's just going to be a few games in English for the kids and an opportunity to meet foreigners but she promised cake and lots of cute japanese kids.

I started on my advent tree today. I've had lots of people come up and ask what it is I'm doing. I tell them its a tree and they look, tilt their head and say "So desu" ("okay") in a confused way. I have only started and there are no decorations on it yet. I need some gold or silver card for the baubles and the star so I'll pick some up over the weekend.

This afternoon I went Christmas shopping around Tokamachi. Even with the limited number of shops, it took me all afternoon to buy nothing. I have ideas about what to buy but I just don't know where to get it. Maybe I can shop in Nagaoka after the footy on Sunday.

I've got back tonight and fancy a quiet night in before the Christmas Party tomorrow, so I've decided to head out, get a video and bunker in.


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