Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

14 February 2005

Valentine's Day with zero effort

Well, I managed to get my flat all cleaned and ready for the weekend's visitors yesterday. No earthquakes either.

It's Valentine's Day today. It works a bit different in Japan. Today, it is an oppertunity for teh girls to show which boys they fancy. They do this by giving chocolate to the guys they like the most. On Valentine's Day in Japan, the guys don;t have to do anything. But, in a month's time on 14th March it is White Day. On White Day, it's the boys turn to give chocolates and gifts to the girls they like. It's also a courtesy to give something to any girl that gave you chocolates on Valentine's Day. So White Day is going to be a little expensive for me. Today, I got chocolates off one of my teachers and also chocolates from several girls who came to English. Two of the girls even made ckaes and gave me a piece of that.

For English Club, I taught the girls about Valentine's Day in England; about how both boys and girls give cards and gifts and if you're in a couple, the boy has to spend a small fortune on flowers, chocolates and a fancy meal for his girlfriend. I brought some card and glue with me, along witha sheet of Valantine's Day images and had the English Club girls make Valentine's Day cards. They seemed to really enjoy this and spent ages crafting so really nice cards. I was a bit jealous when I found out that none were addressed to me. So for the first time in four years, I didn't get any Valentine's day cards. :-(

At least I had some chocolate to comfort me.


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