Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

23 July 2005

Big earthquake near Tokyo

In my flat this afternoon I felt a small earthquake. It felt different to the ones we usually have, this was kinda rolling and lazy. I messaged Erik. He thought it was lazy too and suggested it might have been far away. I turned on teh TV and NHK news was on showing CCTV footage of a junction in Tokyo, the camera shaking with teh earthquake. A map followed showing Tokyo Bay; a red cross marking teh epicentre in Chiba prefecture and a number '5' showing teh strength of teh earthquake on teh Japanese scale. More numbers surrounded the cross showing the strength of the earthquake in nearby areas. A national map showed that Niigata felt teh 'quake as a 2 on the Japanese scale. More details here.

I texted Debs, who was in Tokyo with Alice, and she replied saying they were both okay. There have been no reports of injuries or major damage, though Shinkansen have stopped breifly and Narita Airport has been suspended. Luckily Annies flight left a couple of hours earlier.

What with this here and bombings at home, I'm getting pretty stressed out. And this is supposed to be my holiday!

UPDATE: Article from Japan Times about this earthquake


Erik said...

crap! didn't realize a bunch of people were hurt. son of a bitch ground with the shaking and all...

25 July, 2005 00:00  
kittykat said...

didnt feel it up here at all, although was awoken by mother asking after my welfare.....dumbass. i live in NIIGATA.


anyways, are u boys all at work or am i the only one?

Martin, thanks for helping me saturday....well, kinda....y hangover has now gone and YES it was the worst hangover ever...not quite as bad as nagano but getting there for sure...

25 July, 2005 13:14  
debs said...

dudes, it really wasnt a patch on the one we had here.... i saw amy last night and she said someone else who had been in Tokyo had said it was the same... if it was the same for her she obviously didnt experience the Niigata one in its full force... obviously no earthquake is nice but it shook for a bit, everyone stopped and looked around... my wine looked like it might escape my glass... then it stopped, we all breathed a sigh of relief and carried on... all good. I was supprised to hear people were hurt... hopefully not too badly xx

26 July, 2005 09:51  
debs said...

oh and now my teachers are 100% sure i cause earthquakes and all find it hillarious that they follow me everywhere i go... guys be warned. dont travel with me.
Ive now had 4 people use the phrase "fuck deb, shit follows u doesnt it" nice.

26 July, 2005 09:53  
MartinMc said...

How about a new t-shirt?
What's the Japanese for "Stick with me honey, I'll make the earth move!"?

26 July, 2005 13:30  

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