Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

14 July 2005

Can I take that back

Just had my third lesson for the day. Usually this class are pretty good but I noticed this week the students had moved seats from before. The result? All the slackers were in one corner chatting making things difficult for the lesson to work properly (this was the same lesson plan that worked for one class this morning).

On a brighter note, at lunch one of my third came to the English room and annouced he wants to "master English in six months". He asked me how I was so good at English. I told him it was because I'd lived in England all my life before Japan, I had been surrounded by English all the time, just like he is surrounded by Japanese here. The look of realisation on his face meant he hadn't thought of that. He looked a bit down, but I told him that the secretto learning another language is practice, and that he could come and talk to me anytime he likes. He brightened up and then told me the reason he wants to learn English; he wants to travel for two months around Europe. He's really stoked about it. Should give us something to talk about when he comes to practice English.

Ups and downs eh?


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