Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

26 July 2005

End of Semester Enkai with Tsunan Koko

I guess I was lucky that Tsunan had their closing ceremony yesterday. It's a different day to Tokamachi so it meant I could attend both enkais.

Tsunan's enkai was a Greenpia Tsunan, a big ski resort up in the hills. We got off the bus, paid for our enkai and were told which table we should sit on. Again, I was on a table with no English teachers but, with the confidence I had from Friday's enkai, I wasn't so scared.

We were sat around small tables for a reason: it made teams for the game we would play once we were all drunk.

The game was a kind of egg and spoon relay race. Each team member had a big spoon, the first person had a tennis ball and they had to pass it to each member in turn. The person at the end would run to the end of the room, play janken with a teacher and when they won, run back and pass teh ball to the start. The second round used a volleyball, which was pretty difficult. My team came third (out of seven) so we missed out on the prizes :-(.

We moved onto the niji-kai around 9ish where we drank and ate some more. I talked to more teachers and got to know them a lot more. I think I may have promised to have one of them stay with me in England in teh future. I think I also agreed with teh vice-principal to give a speech in Japanese to the new students in September (when Tsunan starts to incorporate the local Junior High School) which should be interesting.

I got a taxi back with a couple of teachers who were heading to Tokamachi, which saved a lot of money.

The only bad thing about last night was coming home to find my website had been altered. I don't know who or how they did it, but it really annoyed me. Sorry for the ranting post. Maybe I should delete it.

Anyways, another great enkai and I can't wait to have more in the future.


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