Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

21 July 2005

Feel the Love (for the sideburns!)

I did a den-gon game with my Tokamachi first years for our "How do you get to school?" lesson. So you tell the students on the front row something like "I go to school by bicycle, it takes 15 minutes" and they whisper it to the person behind, who whispers it to the person behind them and so one until the message reaches the person at the back. That person then writes down the message on paper, runs to the front and puts the paper on the board. Simple stuff, but it keeps them entertained. Anyways, I got a surprise in one round when I checked the papers and found these two:

The Japanese says "Martin, RaBiYu" and "Martin, RaAAByoU", which, if you sound it out says "Martin, Love You". Which is really sweet. I love the little pictures too with accurate sidies.

And that's not all. In one of yesterday's lessons at Tsunan, a kid from the class stood up, said "Martin, Thankyou" and gave me a hug and this letter:

All the class have written something to me in English. I was almost filling up. This class is really quiet and I'm never sure if they're quietly interested or just bored. For them to say "Your games were fun!" and "Thankyou for talking to me friendly" made me feel like all the term's work was worth something.


Anonymous said...

that is really amazing...

22 July, 2005 12:35  
Erik said...

Martin, what did you do to brainwash these poor students? If it involved electroshock therapy or something I'll be very disappointed in you. Just kiddin, the kids are sweet hey? Hearing that kinda stuff from them is still one of my favorite parts of being here...

22 July, 2005 13:30  

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