Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

13 July 2005

"The Force is Strong With This One"

Yes, I finally got to see Star Wars Episode III last night. And my my, didn't I enjoy it!! It's got spaceships, it's got wookies, it's got references to the original trilogy and, of course, it's got lightsaber duels by the bucketload! I'm not saying it's a fantastic film but it's certainly made me feel like a kid again which, to be honest, is what I've been looking for in vain in Episodes I and II.

The film does sometimes get bogged down with some hammy dialogue and endless sweeping CGI scene-setters, but it does what everyone was expecting; it answers the questions the original trilogy throws up. How did the Empire start? How were the Jedi's wiped-out? How did Anakin become Vader? Along with the answers are lots of echos from the original trilogy which helps to tie the six films together.

All in all, there were plenty references to keep my Inner Geek happy and enough action to keep the Big Kid in me on teh edge of my seat.

And I think normal people will enjoy it too. I went to see Star Wars with Debs, Annie, Keiko and Erik and they all said that they enjoyed it and I'm sure they weren't just being polite.


Anonymous said...

who are you lying to?? I think mine and Annies words were "I wish we'd been watching Mr and Mrs Smith" and we spent the whole movie giggling at my lack of understanding Starwars... print club after the movie was my fav part of the evening... and the caramel popcorn of course!!
lets return girls night to Kuma where it belongs... with the half price cocktails!!! xxx

13 July, 2005 12:51  
MartinMc said...

Well to me, "spent the whole movie giggling" sounds like you enjoyed yourselves so I think I'm justified saying what I did :-P

Anyways, you're just jealous cos you didn't get in for 1000 yen!! Can't believe the luck Erik and I had to see Star Wars on Men's Day!!

Print Club was fun. I should have done a second set instead of playing Time Crisis. If only there was a machine on Honcho, we could have Print/Fight Club every week!

13 July, 2005 13:27  
Anonymous said...

glad u liked the film, would have liked to come down but was dining with tiff and carrie.
when is hitchikers guide out? my geek half is VERY excited about that!
hope ur having a good day, see u sat,
melly x

13 July, 2005 14:15  
kittykat said...

inner geek my ARSE...

what inner geek?

you mean the full on uber geek? right?

hahah. see, this geek joke never gets old does it?

hahaha an dcracks me up that anie and debs werent quite so into it as you thought....!!!

see you at the weekend!


13 July, 2005 14:30  
debs said...

yea dude, we totally need to start a petition to get a 24hr printclub booth outside Kuma so we can do it every tuesday pissed up after fight club!!
what time u goin to kashiwasaki on sat? how u gettin there? is keiko coming??????

13 July, 2005 14:35  
Erik said...

Sweet, people think I'm normal... And Debs, I did hear you concede last night that the occasional Fight Club should be at the theater to appease the men that do make up nearly half of Ladies Night (though ladies are still in the majority...or most of you are ladies...or whatever the hell we were arguing about) female half-price-drink drinking drinker! Ooooh, my name's Debbie, and I like cassis orange!

13 July, 2005 14:55  
MartinMc said...

Erik, 'course you're normal, just don't tell anyone about the car dancing.

And don't mind Debs, she's just pissed that we got in cheap and there weren't any blokes to eye up ;-P

13 July, 2005 15:16  
debs said...

that was hurtful BITCH!!!
i would like to remind u that i was saying THAT movie wasnt my cuppa tea, not going to the cinema... that rocked, did you not hear me praise the popcorn???! im well up for Fighclub @ the movies once a month. you boys deserve it!!

13 July, 2005 16:39  
Erik Knight said...

Debs, salty! I forgot sarcasm doesn't communicate so well in a written blog...Fight Club rules...OK what movie we seeing next?

13 July, 2005 16:45  
MartinMc said...

Maybe I should have used a bigger cheeky smiley. sorry dude.

13 July, 2005 17:11  
debs said...

next time i wana c a girlie movie!!! something pathetic with a good love story and maybe a "make over" scene, u know when they take an "ugly" person (whos actually a very beautiful person with ther hair done badly) and then make them beautiful, then the jock falls inlove with them.... that kinda movie please......

13 July, 2005 22:55  
Erik said...

OK how about Batman?

14 July, 2005 09:36  
MartinMc said...

Actually, I'm thinking of going to see Batman tonight. Wanna come too?

14 July, 2005 10:00  

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