Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

14 July 2005

Forgot how good teaching could be

I had my first classes for two or three weeks today. I was dreading the prospect of teaching, especially since I've been feeling very lethargic towards prepartion recently, but the classes went really well.

I think I was lucky because each class I taught are classes that are always pleased to see me and are pretty genki. And now the exams are over, the students are more relaxed and more enthusiastic than before.

I have another lesson this afternoon. I hope that one goes well too.


debs said...

dude just thought ud wana know, theres a 2 minute silence at 8pm japan time for the victims of london bomb. Just incase u didnt know, love n hugs debs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

14 July, 2005 14:31  
MartinMc said...

Cheers dude. I was thinking about this this morning. Last week, around 8ish, you rang me to tell me the full details while I was going to Joetsu to see Batman. Now this week, I'll be observing the silence while driving to Joetsu to see Batman. Strange co-incidence eh?

14 July, 2005 14:51  

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