Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

28 July 2005


It's finally here!! Fuji Rock!! How excited are we??

Okay, my plan is to leave Toka around 2ish by train, so I'll get to Yazawa at 2.45 and to Fuji Rock by 3.45. I'll find somewhere to camp and read a book til Kate and Mel arrive with more tents from Niigata and Joetsu.

If I've managed to keep enough room around me, we'll make a big camp. If not, and we can find enough room elsewhere, I'll move my tent to be with you. If there's no room anywhere, we'll try either stacking the tents on top of mine or we'll just sleep ontop of each other in my tent (Fuji Orgy!!).

Finally, does everyone have everything they need? Read through the checklist I posted, just to make sure.

And bring booze. Lots of booze. (well, as much as you can carry)


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