Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

26 July 2005

Geek Rant

Some f***ing little shit decide to hack my site and replace it with some page for some shity search engine. Whoever it was, really, don't bother again. I get no more than 2000 hits a weeks, all from a loyal band of around 30 friends who won't be interested in using anything other than google, so just f*** off and leave me site alone.


kittykat said...

what teh hellhappened??

wish i could take responsibility but since i break computers when switching them on...

26 July, 2005 11:01  
MartinMc said...

Well, I went to my site and found someone had deleted all teh blog pages and replaced the index page with their own. Only way they could do that was if they knew my ftp username and password, which I keep secret.

I reloaded my blog and changed the password last night so hopefuly it won't happen again. It's more annoying than anything.

26 July, 2005 13:27  
kittykat said...

that's weird eh?

Can people hack these things?

I'm clueless

27 July, 2005 10:04  

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