Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

27 July 2005

Japanese DVLA

My international driving permit runs out on Monday so if I want to keep driving, I need to exchange my UK licence for a Japanese one. I'm not sure how easy this will be.

According to my supervisor, I need to turn up to a Driving Centre in Nagaoka with my UK license, my hanko, my passport, a photo and money for the fee. Easy enough, yeah? But, Debs is changing hers and, being British too, she should do it the same way. But her supervisor has told her that she needs to get her licence translated and then goto a centre in Niigata City with someone who can translate. A lot more complicated.

I guess the only way to find out how it's done is to give it both a try and see what happens. If Im lucky, I'll be able to keep driving. If Im unlucky, at least I can go to my supervisor, tell her that I tried and have her help me next time.

I'm going to try and do it this afternoon so I'll let you know how I get on.


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