Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

11 July 2005

Magic Psychic Postal Sevice

Over the weekend, I tried to distract myself from teh chaos in London by looking forward to the plans I have this summer. My summer will be neatly bracketed between Fuji Rock (29th July) and Matt & Charlotte's Wedding (24th September), but, I realised, I still don;t have tickets/invitations for either!!

So imagine my surprise when I return home from school tonight and find a letter from England in the postbox containing my Watto Wedding Golden Ticket, AND, whilst reading the Durham hotel info, a courier knocks on my door and asks me to sign for my Fuji Rock Ticket!! Absolutely Fantastic!!

Do you think if I start thinking about pork pies and pickled onions my home-food cravings could be satisfied?


debs said...

dude my fuji rock ticket hasnt turned up yet, should i be concerned?? i think you booked yours before mine didnt u?? im starting to stress out!! i want it in my hands so i know im definately sorted!!!!!
and i love your "make poverty history" banner, very cool.
c u 2nite 4 starwars! woooooooo

12 July, 2005 09:41  
MartinMc said...

I booked mine well before yours. Hopefully it'll turn up soon. Think happy thoughts and maybe it'll turn up like mine did! It's by courier so it's guarenteed to get to you.

12 July, 2005 13:26  

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