Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

05 July 2005

My first Independence Day

Yesterday was the 4th July so Aimee had a barbeque at her house and all the Americans in Tokamachi, plus me and Debs, were invited to celebrate Independence Day. So, as per American tradition, we sat around drinking, chatting and eating lots of freshly cooked meat. When the food had all gone, Erik announced it was time to "blow shit up" as he handed round sparklers to everyone and set about lighting the big pack of roman candles he'd bought.

It struck me that we Brits have a similar celebration; on 5th Novemeber for Guy Fawkes night. Only difference I guess is the lack of a bonfire, the freezing cold and rememberace for a botched attempt to blow up parliament.

I wonder if any other countries have similar excuses for fireworks and barbeques.


Anonymous said...

And please put up photots of the football if you have them...

05 July, 2005 22:47  
kittykat said...

Guy fawkes is easily my fave 'festival' back home (bar xmas time....)

The cold weather is great, its that time of year when everyone gets out their hats and gloves, i ove it! It's like the 'official' change to winter!!!

Sparkler, toffee apples, blowing shit up! Great! AND if youre lucky enough to ever be in Devon on the 5th, then they ave TAR BARREL races through this tiiny village called Ottery St Mary. Its fucking great! Huge guys with burning barrels on their shoulders run through the like a relay, past all the major pubs....but there's no real route, they simply run into the crowd, and u ahve to run away from the flames, it's the BEST. British traditions at it's best....!!! I love guy fawke's day!!!

06 July, 2005 11:20  

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