Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

22 July 2005

Not A Dry Eye

Last night Debs, Erik, Keiko, Nate and I met Aimee and Annie at teh Log Cabin in Kawanishi for our last dinner together. It was a strange feeling to enjoy ourselves but know that this would be the last time we would all be together like this.

The Log Cabin was the best place for it too. We get on well with the couple the who run the restaurant because Keiona used to come and play here everyday. ANd the other customers are really friendly too.

We pigged out on tofu salad, spare ribs and garlic potatoes before we gave Aimee and Annie our going away pressies. We'd got them some pretty things from the kimono shop near my school and they really liked them.

A table next to us left and gave us a bottle of sake, so we each made a toast to Aimee and Annie. It all got really emotional.

And that was it, dinner over and the last time all of us will be together. It's going to be strange in Tokamachi now because I won't be able to see two of my mates as easily as I have been able to. But I'll have to accept it, make sure I stay in touch and look forward to seeing them again.


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