Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

31 August 2005

Any new Blogs??

It's been a month since the newbies have arrived in Japan. Chances are some of them might have set up a blog to publish your time here. And I reckon some of the veterans might have one or two blogs I don't know about.

So, if you have a blog and would like me to include it in my Niigata JET Blog Browser, send me a mail to and I'll add you to the list.


kittykat said...

hmmm, yes i came across a new one called

funny stuf

02 September, 2005 09:23  
MartinMc said...

Is it twinned with

02 September, 2005 10:30  
Erik said...

British humour! I get it!

02 September, 2005 12:38  
Anonymous said...

You get it but I have a feeling it takes years of toxic waste donor kebabs, fighting with yobs and drinking super-tennants to truly be amused by it... :-)

02 September, 2005 13:55  
Erik said...


02 September, 2005 14:51  
kittykat said...

toxic waste donner............mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

05 September, 2005 11:01  

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