Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

26 August 2005


I've nearly caught up with all I wanted to do on my site so it's time to sort teh Fuji Rock Photos.

I know I wasn;t teh only person to take photos at Fuji and I like the idea of a collaborative effort (like what we talked about at Fuji). SO, if you have photos that you like be included in the photo set I'm building from my photos, please let me know and we'll work out teh best way to get them to me.



kittykat said...

oh martin......your little keitai pictures are so bloody weird, i cant help but laugh.

Bless your little heart.

how was the footy anyways? any decent players youre shitting your pants about? that girl perhaps?

30 August, 2005 11:35  
capt beard said...

Hey Martin!
Cool site, long time no speak. perhaps you could put a few unisys logo's up no? ;¬)

been reading what you been up to, blimey those earthquakes sound like a nightmare. I think I'd be spending most of my time on the toilet wetting myself if i were there.

Anyway, I'm off to states on thursday for 6 months (all expenses trip courtesy of our fave corp) so will have a go at setting up one of these blog things. got some cool flyng pics to put up.

by the way r u on msn? if so can u mail me your addy to my work address.

cheers mate,


31 August, 2005 06:55  
kelly said...

yeah martin i'm with kat, keitai kun is well strange mate! funny though,in a wierd way.

31 August, 2005 08:33  
Anonymous said...

i will NEVER forgive you for putting pictures of me in a bikini on a website!!! YOU GIT!!!!!!

31 August, 2005 09:47  
kittykat said...

arrr, debs!! (im guessing it's not eric??!)

martin you really do cross the line sometimes.!

No worries, he s got pictures of me jumping in the waves at sado last year with my arse hanging out for all to see...i mean. really.

31 August, 2005 10:49  
kittykat said...

totally unrelated, BUT

since im bored shitless at school was checking out your photos..

How freaking CUTE is that bunny rabbit? I want it! What's his name?!?

oh god have i been here too long?

31 August, 2005 11:26  
MartinMc said...

Ah, the bunny rabbit is imaginatively called 'shiro' (for those back home, that means 'white' in Japanese). It belonged to Aimee, last years Kawanishi ALT and totally wicked gal from Indiana. She left it with teh Shimizus when she left. I think by now Shiro will have eaten half of their tatami.

I thought the bikini photos were fine. In fact, a mate from home asked me who you were and when you're coming back to England.

And Beardy, If you ever mention UniShite again I will personally hunt you down and send the boys round.

31 August, 2005 18:02  
Erik said...

Yah, that was Debs in the bikini and not me. I know, we're hard to tell apart. Though I also will never forgive Martin for that time that he posted those lingerie pics...damn strong martinis those were...

01 September, 2005 13:41  

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