Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

24 August 2005

New look website

I got bored with the last design so I spent the last week, on and off, working on a new design. Content is the same, just a different appearence and, on teh geeky side, teh new design allows me to add new bits and bobs more easily.

Let me know if you prefer this look or the last one.


Anonymous said...

hey Martin, Lauryn and I prefer your new website design to the old, you big yorkshire geek!

24 August, 2005 08:37  
Sarah said...

Yeah, I like this one too. Hello Cloudy! Are you looking forward to coming home soon? We can't wait to see you.

26 August, 2005 18:47  
MartinMc said...

I can't wait to come home! I'm so looking forward to it! Get the custard creams on standby.

27 August, 2005 18:10  

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