Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

19 August 2005

Photo backlog catch-up

It's taken me a while, but I've finally posted my photos taken since Golden Week in May. The more observant of you might notice that there are no Hanabi or Fuji Rock photos. There are quite a lot of these (around 800) to sort through so it's taking a bit longer. But, in the meantime, click here for a full index of my photos. Below are a selection of new sets you might find interesting:

Tokamachi ALT Farewell, Deb's Birthday, Farewell BBQ at Kashiwaki Beach, Mel's Birthday, Tanabata Festival in Tokamachi, Nagano Soccer Tournament, Re-contracting in Tokyo: Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed, Neil's Leaving-Do in Tokamachi and Takada.


Anonymous said...

Oops, all the links in this blog post are wrong! They link to /blog folder instead of /pics. Found the pics anyways thou they are sweet!

Love Andy B

20 August, 2005 01:38  
MartinMc said...

That'll learn me for just cut and pasting. They should be okay now.

20 August, 2005 01:55  
nick said...

Just looking through your photos - is mine the first Niigata alt todger on the internet then? I'm not forgiving you for that one in a hurry...

20 August, 2005 16:07  
MartinMc said...

Really? Was that you? Honestly, I couldn;t tell cos it was so dark, honest! ;-)

20 August, 2005 19:17  

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