Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

08 September 2005

Only a week to go!! Oh Feck!!!

I've been so focused on other things like the Tokamachi Festoval, start of school, and the Fuji climb that I've been ignoring my visit back to England. And now Fuji is out of the way and my last day at Toka is tomorrow, I've been looking that littl bit further ahead and realised


I'm starting to panic. I feel like I haven't got anything ready, but also feel that it's too early to start packing. Maybe it's time to start making lists, even if they only end up showing what didn;t get round to doing.


kelly said...

martin, take as little as possible in a big case/bag. a few clothes, any pressies you want to take etc. no toilitries as you can get them at home. that way you can take a shit load of stuff back to japan with you. that's what i do anyway.last time i went home with the clothes i was wearing and a huge empty case. came back with 40 kgs of new clothes, toilitries,food, magazines etc.etc. if i don't see you before you go, have a great trip!kelly

09 September, 2005 10:56  
debs said...

lucky git

09 September, 2005 12:36  
debs said...

oh yea and i hate the fatc that ive somehow added "the adventures of keitaikun" onto the subconcious list of blogs that i check for activity everyday.... ur turning me into an fing geek.....!!!

09 September, 2005 12:41  

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