Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

17 September 2005

Return of the Mc: Camden, London

Bit of a lazy day today. Woke at 9ish and lazed around Matt's flat till 11.30; made some tea, watched a bit of British TV and had a shower. When I was dressed I headed out to Camden for a wander round. Apart from the new building in Camden Lock, nothing has changed; Camden is full of weird people and also full of shops which sell sub-culture clothes and poppers.

For lunch I found a little cafe that served all day breakfasts. My first proper breakfast was fantastic; sausage, egg, bacon, black pudding, beans all washed down with sugary tea. The woman running teh cafe was lovely too.

In the afternoon I spent a bit of time online emailing people in Japan to say I'd arrived safely and emailed other poeple to say I was in Japan and if they'd like to meet up. I need to get online later to see if they do. While I was online I chatted to Neil and he revealed that he was going to America tomorrow for a very important reason. So we arranged to meet for a beer.

Turns out, Neil is going to America not just to see Annie, but to get married to her. I almost fell off my seat. I mean, Neil and Annie getting married was pretty much inevitable, but to happen so soon took me by surprise. It means that within the next two weeks three of my bloke mates will be married; Andy, Neil and Matt. It scares me, ooo just a little bit.

For the time being, Im going to enjoy a batchelor night in with matt, some booze and sensi soccer!!


kittykat said...


are you serious?!?!?!??!?!

22 September, 2005 09:16  
MartinMc said...

Yeah, dead serious. I really did play sensi soccer on Friday night.

22 September, 2005 09:34  
kittykat said...

you muppet...nooo! annie and neil?

Anyways, go to bed u muppet, its late.

How was camden? was there over the summer, loved it as usual...

bah, come home soon, bring me some houmous will ya? tescos will be grand :-)

22 September, 2005 10:33  
kate said...

in your next post can you write about something that isn't all the food you're eating!!! please? this isn't fair!!

22 September, 2005 17:52  
Will said...

tell them about the great pub lunches we had in Durham cloudy ;)

27 September, 2005 19:29  
Anonymous said...

hey marty, ur in england! gimme a call!
my number is 07939634729.
when u around til?

28 September, 2005 21:04  
Anonymous said...

sorry that was melanie!

28 September, 2005 21:04  
kittykat said...

pub lunches are crap

i hate pub lunches

i really hate drinking out of pint glasses in pubs. Even ore so when the weather is really great, it7s sunny and everyone is in the pub beer garden.

Good job that, eh?

29 September, 2005 11:19  

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