Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

30 September 2005

Return of the Mc: Seoul far, Seoul good

Well, I made my plane at Heathrow (as in I got on it, no polystyrene cement involved) and twelve hours later I'm in Seoul Airport waiting for my connection to Tokyo.
Lucky feller that I am, I got an upgrade to Business Class for the trip, so big seats and posh food for me. Would have got plenty of sleep if it wasn;t for teh round guy behind me who insisted on using my seat as a support whenever he stood up or sat down. I had words with him, but he claimed, in some European accent, to not understand what I was saying. Still, he stopped doing it after that.

I though my lucky streak had ended when I didn;t get an upgrade for the Tokyo flight, but then I went to the terminal. Turns out, the terminal my next plane leaves from is right next to an internet cafe with wifi! So I'm sat like a geek, hunched over my laptop surfing the web until the gate call. To be honest, I almost didn't buy the internet time because the people at the desk were not the most friendly, but I'm glad I did. I've checked up on emails, planned my route to the Soccer Tourney and done a bit of browsing.

Anything interesting on the web? Well, the least geeky are a Big Pink Bunny in Italy and a Giant Squid caught on camera in Japan.

Still no news on the Japan Times about my impending return though.


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