Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

15 September 2005

Return of the Mc: Short interlude

The coach got me to Ikebukero bang on 4.30. My next connection is teh Narita Exoress at 6am, so I have an hour and a half to kill.

I dumped my large rucksack and hand luggage into a locker and went off in search of a 24 hour cafe. I stumbled on a Manga-kisa, a 24-hour place were you can sit, read comics and use their PCs. I'm in here now. You pay by the hour and are given your own booth with PC and reclining chair. This booth also has powersockets so I can use my laptop and external harddrive too. It's a geek's paradise!

Just have to make sure I don't get carried away and miss my train.


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