Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

04 September 2005

Sun's Up!!


kittykat said...


congrats!! you DID make it to the top i take it??

well done!!

debs you drunkard!!

05 September, 2005 11:02  
kittykat said...

Question for Debs!!

Alrighty! heard you got your laptop from some website in this true?!! let me know!!


05 September, 2005 12:46  
debs said...

hey dude, yea my teachers were wetting themselves when i said i didnt climb mt fuji cuz i was in bed with a hangover!!
my computer is from somewhere in Japan although im not 100% sure where, my parents sorted it out through the "" site. I can find out the name of the company etc tonite if u want??

question for you all.... im trying to find a template for a diary... any ideas of websites where i could download one?

cheers dudes, kat u goin to Kash on wkend?

whats everyones public holiday plans?

06 September, 2005 09:27  
kittykat said...

ta debs

Ok, cool, just checking, ive been looking at that jetset japan site myself and wanted to know that it was kosher....


06 September, 2005 10:53  
kelly said...

yeah kat, tom ot his laptop from the toshiba site also

06 September, 2005 14:40  
kelly said...

got not ot!

06 September, 2005 14:41  

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