Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

05 October 2005

And another

Liz has made a new blog too, 'Call Me Liz and These My Ramblings'.


debs said...

dude Lopaka has a blog too.... speak to him about it.... also I WANT A BLOG!!! will you help me start one pleeeeeease??! :)

06 October, 2005 13:49  
debs said...

actually.... shintaro has a blog too.... have you been to it??? get him on the browser!!! that would be hillarious!!!! we could all practice our japanese ;)

06 October, 2005 13:53  
debs said...

actually.... shintaro has a blog too.... have you been to it??? get him on the browser!!! that would be hillarious!!!! we could all practice our japanese ;)

06 October, 2005 13:53  

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