Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

03 October 2005

Back to School

First day back in school today. The English teachers seem to be really pleased to see me and are eager to ask me about my trip back to England. The other teachers are acting as normal; either saying "Ohiyo gosaimasu" (good morning) or ignoring me. The students are happy to see me back. For the second period I got collared into doing an off-the-timetable lesson for Miyazaki`s 1-8 class. I missed their lesson while I was away so this was a chance to do the Restaurant lesson plan before the mid-term exams start on Friday. The jet lag and the weekend's soccer tournament meant I wasn't as genki as I could be, but the lesson went well. The dengon game was pretty funny. A few times the message was forgotten so the students resorted to drawing whatever they liked. For example:
While most students drew "four strawberry ice-creams", one student drew a panda.

And while students drew "two pizza slices", three students drew a frog, a hippo and two cartoon characters (Doraemon and Anpanman).

It's great that they can be creative instead of switching off.


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