Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

10 October 2005

Bank Holiday Weekend

It's a three day weekend and after all my travelling around the last few weeks (Mt Fuji, England and back, Nagano) I decided to take things easy and stay in Tokamachi this weekend.

I planned to study on Saturday, but ended up tidying my flat for most of the day (ultimate procratination technique eh?). I did get out of the house and went to footy practise with Kawaji FC in the evening before going round to Keiko's to watch the England vs Austria match.

There was a surprise on Sunday in town. Honcho (main High Street) was filled with a massive parade for Risshoko Sekai; a branch of Buddhism that was started by a guy that came from Tokamachi. Every year, 69 Chapters from different Japanese towns come to Tokamachi and have a massive parade for this guy. The founder has died, but his son still continues the religion. Every Chapter can do whatever they like in teh parade resulting in a massive parade with loads of interesting costumes and dances.

There's also a market where each Chapter brings a food from their area to sell.

I got another surprise when I got back home. Behind my apartment are loads of paddy fields. While I was in England, the rice was harvested and the fields are now empty. When I pulled up to my house, I heard music from a tent and the sound of children. I looked and I saw this:

The kids where running through wet paddy field trying to find prizes hidden in the mud! Their parents were cheering them on from the sidelines too.

In my flat I sorted some photos from my trip home (there are so many) before goingto Joetsu to watch "Charlie and teh Chocolate Factory" (good film, lots of fun!). I went to Russ's after to drink wine and watch "The Princess Bride" with Russ, Erik and Debs. I woke on Russ's couch this morning.

Today was "Health and Sports Day", so Keiko and I went to Greenpia Tsunan to find things to do. Greepia is a ski resort in the winter, but when there isn't snow it offers lots of sporting and leisure activities. There was a JHS soccer competiton taking place on the sports pitches. There was a go-kart track, pitch-and-putt golf, a driving range and, my favourite of the day, rollerluge!!! Okay I had to wear a red helmet that made me look like a big kid, but hurtling down a concrete race track on a plastic tray was loads of fun!!

On the way back to the car, I also saw two goats who I guess where just there for kids to feed and pet.

When i went across, teh billy goat started walking into me with it's head down, not so much trying to butt me away but I think wanting to play. When it got bored, it tried to eat my clothes, so I don't think the kids did a good job of feeding them.


Liz said...

um, i wanna go to greenpia tsunan!! where the hell is it? looks like great fun . . .

11 October, 2005 12:31  
MartinMc said...

Tsunan, is a town 16 km south of Tokamachi. If take the 117 from Toka to Tsunan after 20 mins or so you'll see signs for a road that'll take you up into the mountains and to Greenpia.

I teach two days a week at a school in Tsunan so this winter I'll be looking to snowboard at Greenpia on my way home!

Official Greenpia Tsunan Website
Greenpia Tsunan on Snow Japan website

11 October, 2005 12:45  

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