Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

07 October 2005

First week at school after England Trip

I've been back in Japan for a week after my trip home. I was expecting to be busy trying to catch up with missed lessons and lessons for next week. But with exams coming up at Tokamachi and a Marathon at Tsunan, I only had five lessons this week. The first was for Miyazaki-sensei's class on Monday and we used the restaurant lesson plan we did for his other class before my holiday.
I used the rest of Monday I prepared for my "England special" lesson for two classes in Tsunan. It was basically a listening exercise so I could talk about England and then give out plenty of fun-size Mars Bars as prizes for correct answers. I think it worked pretty well, but I'd be flattering myself to think it had nothing to do with the free chocolate.
Tsunan had arranged a marathon (well, 10k run) for it students on Tuesday afternoon, but rain had postponed it until Wednesday. Instead I spent teh afternoon preparing for Wednesday's classes (telephone's with a first year group, and iilnesses with the third years). The lessons went okay and then it was time to start preparing for the Marathon.

Lunch was early, there was an opening ceremony at 12.30 then teh students lined-up in the sports field ready for the start of teh race. The girls went first, then the boys fifteen minutes after.

They pelted down teh sports field, round the track and out the gate. I saw tham an hour or so later, red-faced and out of breath. They were all recovered and in their uniforms in time for the closing ceremony. The fastest ten girls and the fastest ten boys where awarded certificates.

In the evening there was a post-marathin enkai. I wasn;t too sure if I'd be able to stay awake enough, but I like enkais with the Tsunan teachers so I went along. It was in a nice rykoken/onsen place next to the Shinano river. There was plenty of beer and the principal also ordered a couple of bottle of really good red wine (he has a thing for wine). I didn't go to the ni-jikai and one of teh teachers gave me a lift back to Tokamachi. I was asleep by ten and when I woke on Thursday, I felt much better than I had all week. Maybe the jetlag was easing off?

On Thursday at Tokamachi I found out that after the exams the first years will go on a hike in the local mountains. The hike is 20km and will take place next Friday. I'm goign to go on it too! It should be pretty interesting to see some hidden gems of Tokamachi.


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