Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

07 October 2005

My first Barber shave

Anyone who's seen me recently would probably agree that I needed a haircut. So this afternoon I went to my usual barber at Kom. I had my usual japanese practise while he cut. He asked about wheather he should cut the bottom of my sideburns. I said "Later, shave" dropping the subject as Japanese people do. In Japanese, the subject of a sentence is usually implied by the context and I thought by saying teh shaving would be done later that I would have implied that I will shave. The Barber interpreted so that he would shave me later, after the haircut.

I didnt realise teh misunderstanding until after the haircut and he reclined the seat and set about applying shaving foam to my face. "Fair enough" I thought, "what harm could this do?" The shave was good but I was a bit scared when he shaved my neck. I wasn't scared of him but scared that I would panic, jerk my head away and cut myself on the blade. I thought he'd finished once he applied a hot towel to my freshly shaven face, but then he started applying shaving cream to my forehead. I felt the blade shave my hairline and around my eyebrows! What the Feck!!! And then he shaved between my eyebrows!! Arggh!

When I looked in the mirror, I was clean-shaven with tidy eyebrows. I should stress teh word 'eyebrows' since he'd made my monobrow into two!! At least my sideburns were still intact.


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