Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

19 October 2005

"Shinpai wa arimasen"

Felt more earthquake rumblings tonight. It was long and lazy, so another big quake a long way away. I looked on TV and found the familiar area listings flashing up at the top of the current NHK. The list shows how strong teh quake felt in the different cities in Niigata. Tokamachi was a listed as a one, the rest of Niigata-ken no more than a three.

At 9pm, the national news came on and they showed a map; a big cross in the Pacific Ocean of the east coast near Chiba. A M6.3, striking at 20.44 JST, but mainland Japan felt it as no more than a 5.5. There was the usual clips of swaying newsrooms and wobbly CCTV cameras during the quake. I also picked up a new phrase that was repeated several times by the newscasters: "Shinpai wa arimasen" or [No need to worry]


Erik said...

I knew I felt something! I was in the 4th story of the community center and I thought there was a slow quake, but my students wouldn't stop blabbing in their crap-ass English and I knew I was the only one to feel it so I didn't say anything.

20 October, 2005 11:44  

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