Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

12 October 2005

Walken's next starring role??

I found out about this site a month or so ago, but kept quite about it because I was never too sure it was real. I mean, a well respected person like Christopher Walken running for president and, dare I say, actually getting elected? it'd be too good to be true wouldn't it? Not only a bit of a liberal, but a fecking cool president too.

I let Erik in on the news today and had a look over the site again. It's still there and the full campaign platform has been released. It still sounds too good to be true, but if something like this could really happen, then there might be hope for us yet.


Erik said...

He's got my vote. I'm printing nice color campaign posters today. Anyone want one?

13 October, 2005 08:31  
kittykat said...


He 'll have to be in line after my other choices though, that being David palmer and Jed Bartlett. Ok, i know i watch way too much tv but c mon, i know these fictional dudes would do a better job....

13 October, 2005 12:53  

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