Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

10 November 2005

Weather reports and weekend plans

It's pretty much autumn here now that the trees have changed colour. To be honest, it feels like they've changed a lot later than last year. It's now almost two weeks into November and the drive to Tsunan is now orange. Last year, it was orange when Helen and I went on our Nagano roadtrip, around the 1st of Nov. I thought I was just imagining that the weather was late, especially since I only have two observations to judge it one, but the Japan Times front page has a picture of the first snow in Sapporo (Japan's most northern, major city); reportedly 13 days late.

This late weather is quite lucky for me. I've been so busy since coming back from England that I haven't been able to get away, like Erik did to Nikko (blogged here and here). This weekend I can't make practise in Niigata because one of my schools has a school festival and I've been begged by the students to come and see it. So, that gives me a free sunday to head back down to Nagano and see the trees along the 117 again. I want to try somewhere different, having been to Obuse and Nagano twice, so I've been swotting up with my Lonely Planet guide. I'm going to head north of Nagano and to take in Togakushi temple, via Yudanaka to see the monkey onsen. If I have time in the afternoon, I could make it to Tsugaike Natural(sic) Park to see the sunset on the autumn leaves. Might even take some photos of the autumn trees this year.

Iki masu!!


kittykat said...

the lateness of the snow upsets me ! boo

However, we go snow up here yesterday....on the mountains that got any down there?

11 November, 2005 09:15  
debs said...

yea, im gutted by the lateness in snow :( Naeba (fuji rock) opens the 1st weekend in December so I wana try n get a day of boarding in before i go home 4 xmas!
Theres been snow on the mountains in muikamachi for about 3 weeks now i think.... not enough tho!!!
kat u stayin at kates right? u goin to reggae nite?
Martie sorry i didnt get back to you yesterday, im off to sado tomora mornin :( gay gay gay... nxt week dinner? xx

11 November, 2005 10:23  
MartinMc said...

Didn;t get back to me. Bogging off to Sado. And you wonder why you don't know what Im up to even though we're in the same town!! ;-p

Going to Nihon-go class tonight?

11 November, 2005 13:27  

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